Unified threat exposure management

Proactively secure your entire  environment

Prelude Detect provides a unified automation platform for evaluating and augmenting your defenses against the latest threats. From control configuration to threat detection and response, Prelude provides a seamless pathway to answering the question "Are we protected?".

A practical approach to threat exposure management

Security that scales

Whether you need instant visibility that your security controls are deployed and configured correctly, or regular validation that they'll hold up against advanced behavioral techniques, Prelude provides a solution that meets you where you are.

One-of-a-kind defensive integrations

Surface telemetry gaps, missing detections, and unresponsive preventions and lean on our one-of-a-kind defensive integrations to automatically remediate your exposures with validated responses.

Automation that powers machine speed response

Keep a pace that is one step ahead of your AI-enabled adversaries by transforming your threat intelligence investments into actionable tests, threat hunt queries, and detection rules. With the click of a button, create scale-ready tests that are ready to measure an expected control behavior and quickly fill the gaps.

One platform, multiple solutions

Threats move at machine speed. Prelude lets you do the same.

Start Moving Faster